How will 4G broadband boost Tech entrepreneurship in Jamaica, will be the focus of a townhall type discussion tomorrow at Kingston Beta at the Spanish Court Hotel, New Kingston at 6:30pm. It is free.
A SiliconValley based entrepreneur Peter Rothman will be co-hosting the discussion with Ingrid Riley, Founder and host of Kingston Beta.

Kingston Beta is the bimonthly networking event and Startup pitch platform where Jamaican and Caribbean tech/internet/mobile/business professionals, entrepreneurs and enthusiasts come To Learn. To Be Inspired.To Network.It is staged by ConnectiMass, the parent company of

If You Want to know what Jamaican/Caribbean People and Companies are doing Online and with Technology-Come to Kingston Beta. The event is geared towards, 1. Helping Startups Get Exposure 2. Connecting Startups and Investors and 3. Connecting the Caribbean technology community.

Kingston BETA Team The Event