….The answer is…come to Kingston BETA next week Wednesday, June 1, 2011 at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, 6:30pm. And yes it’s still FREE. You see Kingston BETA is an event and a Community that’s about making connections, learning from the best and being inspired enough to start something yourself. It’s a blueprint for How to Become a Digital Rockstar!
Don’t believe us, just ask the over 1200 people, 45 Caribbean Startups who’ve attended our 30 events. Want further proof as to the who gives a damn about Kingston BETA and what they get out of it? Watch this video of one of the events.
We look forward to see some of the 400 of you on our mailing list, and our colleagues from our our affiliate groups – Slash Roots, Jamaica Association of Developers, Jamaica Webmaster’s Consortium, GramStep in attendance at the event and also online.
Caribbean BETA
Kingston BETA is giving birth to its first annual conference Caribbean BETA slated for November 25th, 2011 here in the culture, vibes and digital city of Kingston. We’ll be unveiling the logo and website next week also.
Have an Itch to Pitch?
BETA Pitch! is a segment of Kingston BETA event, that is a marketing and idea sharing Platform. We call it Open Mic for Great Ideas. So if you have a website, app, product, service that you could be the next big thing and worth sharing with the community and our readers around the world. Then contact founder and host by email ingrid@connectimass.com to get on the lineup. The only thing we ask is that you be Caribbean working on an fantastic idea/startup business from the region or anywhere in the world. The idea must use the Internet, Mobile or some other Technology integrally.
It is an event produced by ConnectiMass as part of its role of helping to bridge the gap between the information haves and have nots, the opportunity haves and have nos, to help make the Caribbean a center of innovation that can change the world.