The latter part of 2011 is starting to look even more exciting and it’s about time. We’ve been hearing soon come, not quite ready from a number of quarters as developers, entrepreneurs huddle and hunker down to get their stuff ready for prime time online. So now we have 5 Caribbean Startups are lined up to Pitch at the Next Kingston BETA. They will share their why and how I did it stories and take audience questions.
Do you want to showcase your project, your startup at this Kingston BETA. Text your name, Brand and email address to 876 864 2440.
The next Kingston BETA event is on Thursday, July 28th at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel at 6:30pm sharp. It’s free, but we ask that you add your name to the list, register to join the community.
Kingston BETA is on a mission to inspire, educate and empower individuals who wants to know how to use the Internet and Technology to start and grow a business. The Event brings together startups, entrepreneurs, investors, techies, webbies – the movers and shakers in the Caribbean Tech Community.
Kingston BETA is about entrepreneurs – aspiring, emerging and establishing.
Kingston BETA – Where Technology means Business.