Kingston Beta, our bimonthly Event staged in Jamaica, connected to the Caribbean and Diaspora – is a platform for startups, entrepreneurs, developers, designers and tech professionals – to learn, be inspired and network.
It’s become the hub for the movers and shakers in the Jamaican and Caribbean Tech Community. Over 40 events have been held, that 2500 people attended and have seen over 70 Jamaican and Caribbean technology startups pitch their new businesses ideas. We’ve kicked off a tech entrepreneurship movement in Jamaica and growing across the Caribbean.
In 2012, we will have 5 bi-monthly events and end the year with Caribbean BETA- The annual Tech Entrepreneurship Conference. Our year long theme is “Startup Local, Think Global” . Each Kingston BETA event will have a guest speaker (local,regional and global), a BETA Pitch Contest and networking with the smartest minds in the industry.
The next one is Thursday February 23rd, 2012 at our home The Jamaica Pegasus Hotel.
Kingston BETA is part of a network of initiatives that includes SiliconCaribe.com, Caribbean BETA, the annual tech conference coming in November, StartupWeekendJamaica, and are all working on the same mission – to drive tech entrepreneurship in the Caribbean. We believe tech entrepreneurship can and will become a major driver of startup businesses, job creation and innovation.