…Got your attention?! It’s the topic of our panel discussion next week at Kingston BETA’s February Edition. That plus big idea pitches on web and mobile apps from senior high school and college level teams. Plus power networking with some of the smartest minds in the tech industry. Here’s what’s in store for you.

Pitch Your Big Idea!


The Hub of the Caribbean Tech Startup Scene

Learn. Be Inspired. Network.



How is the education system fostering technology innovation?


Henry Osborne, Technology Specialist – Northern Caribbean University

Lavare Henry, Vice Principal, Teacher Computer Studies – Campion College



Dianne Harris, Experienced Caribbean Business Educator, Education Blogger


Students and teams from 3 top Jamaican high schools.

Students and teams from 2 universities

They will be pitching their big ideas for web and mobile apps.


Come prepared with the tough questions to ask about what is happening is schools and why and how is the future of Jamaica being prepared for the Digital Age.

When: Thursday February 23rd, 2012

Where: The Jamaica Pegasus Hotel. New Kingston

Time: 6:30pm

Contribution: JA$500 | US$5


Kingston BETA

“Growing Tech Entrepreneurship in Jamaica and across the Caribbean”


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> A ConnectiMass Event<


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